Mid-Atlantic Christian University
The basic doctrinal position that underlies the educational program of Mid Atlantic Christian University, stated when the school was founded in 1948 and unchanged today, is that:
1. Jesus Christ is the uniquely divine and only begotten Son of God, conceived without human father.
2. The Holy Scriptures are the inspired Word of God, infallibly recorded by men who were supernaturally guided by the Holy Spirit, inerrant in the originals in all the facts they attest and in all communications concerning salvation.
3. Every miracle recorded in the Bible happened truly and literally by the power of Almighty God.
4. There is salvation only in the blood of Jesus Christ, shed by grace upon the cross of Calvary, and applied to the heart of the sinner by his own faith in accordance with the terms of the Gospel.
5. There is an imperative necessity to restore the church of Christ which is described in the New Testament in order to remove division and to attain the unity of all believers, for which Christ prayed as the means of winning the world to Him.
Every officer, administrator, faculty member, and staff member at Mid Atlantic is required to reaffirm annually his belief, without mental reservation, in the above stated position.